
Our diatoms (diatomaceous earth) are an excellent source of silicon for plants and perfectly maintain the level of moisture in the soil, as well as protect against pests, being a natural and environmentally safe repellent. They can also affect bee health...

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Diatomaceous Earth and Bees, wormfarmingrevealed.com

Bees: The Effects of Chemical Insecticides, Absorbentproducts Ltd

Diatomaceous Earth and Bees, Planet natural

Alternative control of Aethina tumida Murray (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) with lime and diatomaceous earth,  ECO Sciences Journal


Diatomaceous Earth and Bees, wormfarmingrevealed.com

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In the case of diatoms (diatomaceous earth) in orchards and cultivated fields, honey bees avoid those flowers that have been treated with it. Even when the bee catches the diatomaceous dust, its densely hairy body will quickly get rid of diatoms and prevent dehydration of the body. The bee will move its wings quickly to speed up the removal of dust. In the worst case, assuming that he will die (which is unlikely), only one bee will be killed, and not – as in the case of chemicals – a larger number or even the entire colony

If the entire garden is covered with a thick layer of diatoms, the bees may have difficulty in getting rid of a lot of dust. Therefore, it is believed that intensive diatom should be applied only in places requiring diatoms, for example in the need to eliminate pest infestation.

 The diatoms (diatomaceous earth) are best used early in the morning and late in the evening, because then the bees appear the least.

 It should also be avoided sprinkling with diatoms of plants in the flowering stage, because bees – avoiding such places – do not pollinate flowers..


Bees: The Effects of Chemical Insecticides, Absorbentproducts Ltd

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The reduction in the population of honey bees has recently been associated with the use of chemical insecticides.

Scientific research indicates that insecticides such as imidacloprid or thiamethoxam negatively affect the reproductive abilities of bees, as well as their instinct to find a place.

During the research conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, sixteen hives were sprayed with imidacloprid, a well-known neonicotidinoid. It turned out that after six months of use, fifteen of the sixteen were swarming. The first ones were the swarms that were exposed to a higher concentration of imidacloprid.

Research has confirmed the direct effect of the use of chemical insecticides on the extinction of entire families. In response to the publication of the test results, the imidacloprid producer suggested that the studies were performed improperly and that the deaths of bee colonies may be the result of other factors such as Varoa mites, diseases associated with abnormal bee nutrition, and the loss of their genetic variation.

However, research in the UK and France had similar results. In Great Britain, as a result of imidacloprid, the production of queens decreased by 85%, which limited the reproductive capacity of the swarm.

In France, treating seeds with an insecticide called thiamethoxam caused a distorted instinct to find a place. Bees from families exposed to thiamethoxam died 3 times more often (due to the inability to return to the hive) than bees not exposed to this insecticide.

In response to the results of research in France and Great Britain, the ban on the use of certain chemical insecticides was discussed.

In order to reduce the use of chemical insecticides, alternative methods of disinsection were sought. One of them is the use of diatomaceous earth with food quality, a product that is gaining more and more popularity among producers and growers using natural methods. The use of diatomaceous earth by food quality by them proved to be an effective and natural solution to protect crops against creeping insects. More on:  www.absorbentproductsltd.com/diatomaceous-earth.

 Diatomaceous Earth and Bees, Planet natural

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Who has not been rescuing diatomaceous earth, composed mainly of fossilized diatom shells from millions of years ago, keeping naked snails from each other, securing seedlings from caterpillars and larvae, applying a layer between our apartment and the apartment of neighbors against cockroaches?

I know people who sprinkle diatomaceous earth on dogs’ things, including lairs, to prevent fleas. Others consider diatomaceous earth to be a remarkable remedy for bedbugs.

Diatomaceous earth is certainly effective in combating many pests. It does not act like a poison, it destroys the pests mechanically when they pass through the layer we coat.

We must, however, consider whether, being so effective against pests in the home and garden, it does not kill honey bees and other pollinating insects. It turns out that the bee has natural protection – dense hair covering most of her body. The diatoms are neither good nor bad for bees. This does not mean, however, that diatoms can be used without any restrictions.

Pauly, the owner of the company Worm Farming Revealed, checked the possibility of occurrence of hazards associated with the possible impact of diatomaceous earth on honey bees. He stated that most of the hazards disappear after applying some tips. He also cites the book „Going Green Using Diatomous Earth Earth How-To-Tips” by Tui Rose on the protection of bees: „Bees in our gardens and orchards avoid flowers already sprinkled with diatomaceous earth. Even after catching the dust, her densely hairy body will quickly get rid of diatoms and prevent dehydration of the body. The bee will move its wings quickly to speed up the removal of dust. ”

I can not confirm that bees avoid flowers with diatomaceous earth (it is amazing that diatoms do not destroy earthworms, they have slippery, dense and sticky mucus that allows for safe passage through the area covered with diatomaceous earth). Therefore, Pauley believes that „diatomaceous earth can only be used in cases of high pest density (plagues) in gardens or orchards.”

Others suggest that the use of diatomaceous earth may reduce the risk of killing bees and other pollinators by not giving diatomaceous earth to flowers. It can also be used when bees are least active, in the evening (when bees return to their hives). Some sources say that the ground can also be used in the morning when the morning dew appears, however, bees can then be active in the warm summer months.

Pauly also reached for a different opinion. He interviewed the farm owner David Burns of Long Lane Honey Bee at Fairmount: „diatomaceous earth destroys the exoskeleton of insects, including bees”

So there are two opposite opinions. However, the state of affairs should always be balanced between the positive and negative effects of diatomaceous earth, even in the world of organic farming. Personally, I would not use diatomaceous earth for flowers, because bees are fewer and fewer and should be protected. However, I would use it on slugs naked, sprinkling with diatomaceous earth itself. I would also use it on aphids. Diatomaceous earth, despite what was described above, is still a wonderful remedy.


Alternative control of Aethina tumida Murray (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) with lime and diatomaceous earth, ECO Sciences Journal

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In order to determine suitability as an alternative method of combating the beetle, in laboratory conditions the influence of diatomaceous earth, slaked lime and powdered limestone on pupation and the output of an adult form was observed. No significant influence of limestone and diatomaceous earth on the tested parameters was noted. The slaked lime added to the autoclaved soil prevented pupation, but it was lethal only in high doses: 10 and 15 g per 100 g of soil. In the case of soil not autoclaved, low concentrations of calcium (0.5 and 5 g per 100g of soil) resulted in mortality above 90%, probably due to increased activity of pathogens.

With the use of diatomaceous earth (also using non-autoclave soil) an inverse relationship was observed. The larvae penetrated the layer of slaked lime and pupated in the undisturbed soil layer below. The slaked lime and diatomaceous earth were also tested in traps (diagnostic trays) in the laboratory and in apiaries. In apiaries 30.5 ± 29.3% of adults were caught in the slake traps.

Diatomaceous earth used in traps in apiaries caused adult mortality at 100%, while mortality was observed 57.9 ± 8.3% of the adult beetle beetle population in beehives within 48 hours.

The obtained results show a favorable potential for the use of diatomaceous earth as a means of application in hives against beetle beetle and imply the need for further research on the use of slaked lime as a pest control method.