
Our diatoms (diatomaceous earth), due to their hygroscopic and anti-pests properties, are an excellent means to maintain adequate hygiene in every household...

Diatomaceous earth against fleas

Diatomaceous earth against other pests

Diatomaceous earth against bedbugs

Diatomaceous Earth for animal cuvettes and mulches


Bedding and housing for poultry

Mites and other parasites

Additive to mulch – preventively

Diatoms (diatomaceous earth) are a non-toxic and environmentally safe alternative to chemical agents for parasites and pests such as: fleas, ticks, bed bugs, lice, ants, aphids, mites and others. Diatoms reduce onerous insects and parasites through physical (non-chemical) damage to their organisms. That’s why they are so safe for people, pets and farm animals and plants. In order to ensure the hygiene of the premises, places exposed to pests should be covered with diatomaceous earth.

The same principle can be removed unwanted moisture. 

Diatomaceous Earth against fleas. To effectively eliminate fleas you need to apply Diatomaceous Earth on all surfaces at the same time, i.e. dog’s or cat’s fur, bed linen, the yard, etc. Everything must be covered with Diatomaceous Earth powder at the same time, because only 5% to 15% of fleas that you see are adult specimen. The remaining 85% to 95% are larva or eggs. For this reason, you should repeat the dusting until the total removal of unwanted bugs (usually this takes 2-3 weeks).

Take some Diatomaceous Earth in your hand and rub it in the coat of your pet at least 2-3 times a week. You can use a special duster. Do the same thing with bedding, carpets, floors and everywhere where you suspect fleas may be present. Dust the entrance to the room to prevent fleas getting 

Diatomaceous Earth against bedbugs. Dust the Diatomaceous Earth on bedding and the mattress, paying particular attention to any folds. Bedbugs cannot fly; therefore, cover bed stands with Diatomaceous Earth so bugs that want to leave the bed or get to the bed can be destroyed. Move the bed away from the wall and do not allow linen to touch the floor. Dust all carpets, rugs and room corners with Diatomaceous Earth. Take out all plugs from electrical sockets and apply some Diatomaceous Earth into the sockets. Repeat the dusting process for 5-6 days to completely eliminate bedbugs.

Diatomaceous Earth for other pests and unwanted bugs (ants, aphids, caterpillars, pill bugs, cabbage stem flea beetle, common fruit fly, earwig, lice, mites, cockroaches, silverfish, snails, slugs, spiders, flies, house cricket). Dust the Diatomaceous Earth powder everywhere where you have problems with bugs. This may include internal walls, corners, skirting boards, etc. Repeat dusting with Diatomaceous Earth several times in case of bugs with larva and/or eggs. You may also apply about 5 cm thick layer of Diatomaceous Earth in front of the entrance to prevent crawling bugs from getting in. wnętrza.

Recommendations and precautions

Do not allow diatomaceous earth to enter the eyes. Diatomaceous earth, as a drying agent, can cause them to dry. Avoid long-term inhalation of large concentrations of atomized diatomaceous earth, as this may lead to irritation of the respiratory system. Wear a face mask (or take care) especially if you have problems with your lungs and respiratory system or if you have asthma. Do not apply excessive amounts of diatomaceous earth to carpets, floor coverings etc., as this may cause disturbances in the used vacuum cleaners. odkurzaczy.

Diatomaceous earth as an addition to animal litters and mulches. Backfill reduces odors, dries faeces and keeps the litter box and litter dry, and eliminates birds, fly larvae and other insects.


  • Sprinkle the cuvette with a thin layer of the product or add to the cuvette at its own discretion. Mix the product with gravel or other mulch.

Bedding and housing for poultry

  • Firstly make sure the chicken housing is clean and dry.
  • Apply 75g Diatomaceous Earth for every square metre of floor in the house and spread evenly.
  • A small heap of Diatomaceous Earth can be applied at the end of each perch. A small amount should also be applied along the perches.
  • Apply a thin covering of Diatomaceous Earth over the nest box floor.
  • Diatomaceous Earth can be suspended in water and applied using a pressure washer, though firstly you must remove the washer filters as Diatomaceous Earth does not dissolve in water.
  • Pour Diatomaceous Earth in a shallow pan or scatter it around for them to eat freely.
  • Put Diatomaceous Earth in their favourite dusting spots and they will throw it all over themselves without you having to do any work at all.

Mites and other parasites 

In order to be used against mites (as well as other parasites), give birds a container filled with diatomite for an independent dry bath or pour feathers of the bird with diatoms and rub / comb to reach the nooks and crannies of the skin and feathers. Best at night, when parasites feed on birds. It should be taken into account that this parasite lives and multiplies in various room apertures, and its developmental cycle under favorable conditions is very fast, but it can survive even a few months without food. Exposed rooms should first be cleaned of dust, litter and other impurities, eg with the help of a vacuum cleaner. Then apply diatomaceous earth, trying to reach fissures, recesses, etc. Because the parasite can hide in very inaccessible nooks and crannies, the treatments should be repeated several times if necessary.

Additive to mulch – preventively

We recommend the use of our diatomaceous earth as preventive in addition to litter. Its exceptional absorbing capacity will additionally influence the removal of excessive moisture, toxins, drying of manure, etc. from the substrate. Drying will also have a positive effect on the feet of poultry and other animals.

Recommendations and precautions

Do not allow the product to get into your eyes – due to its drying properties, it can cause dryness. Avoid long-term inhalation of high concentrations of the product being sprayed, as this may lead to irritation of the respiratory system. Avoid contact with eyes and clothing. Wash hands with water and soap after use. Ensure adequate ventilation of the rooms and avoid inhaling the product. In case of prolonged exposure to a large amount of the product, use appropriate eye protection and a face mask against dust. Keep work safety. Always read the label and product information before use.